Cagdas Ucar - CTO and AI/ML expert

My educational journey began with some of the most prestigious schools in Turkey, a testament to my dedication and perseverance. Achieving this required ranking among the top few hundred students out of a million plus, an accomplishment I am incredibly proud of. Over the years, I continued to expand my knowledge through specialized certificate programs, with a focus on AI and bioinformatics, reflecting my commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation. If my background and experiences align with what you are seeking, I would love to hear from you through the contact form.

Bornova Anadolu Lisesi (BAL) - 1986 - 1990

Bornova Anadolu Lisesi is one of the most prestigious middle schools in Turkey, with entrance requirements that only the top 150 students out of nearly a million applicants could meet.

Izmir Fen Lisesi (IFL) - 1990 - 1992

Izmir Fen Lisesi, another highly selective high school, required students to be in the top 200 from a pool of over a million applicants. During my time at IFL, I developed a deep passion for mathematics, which played a pivotal role in shaping my interest in AI, Machine Learning and Bioinformatics. I was proud to be a member of Turkey's Math Olympics prep team, where I ranked 16th.

Selma Yigitalp Lisesi - 1992 - 1993

In my senior year, I transferred to Selma Yigitalp Lisesi, a public high school, to benefit from the boost in university entrance exam from average school GPA.

Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering - Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey - 1993 - 2002

Bogazici University is renowned for its rigorous selection process, admitting only the top students out of more than a million. My education at this prestigious institution provided me with a deep understanding of computer engineering, software development, and systems design, laying the groundwork for my successful career in technology. The reason I took so long to graduate is because I spent a long time on my thesis, which was a parallel database implementation with MPI. GPA: 3.41

Banking / Credit Cards Certifications

  • Basic Banking Education, Garanti Bank – 2001
  • VISA Base II Education, VISA Turkey – 2001
  • CICS Application Programming, IBM Turkey – 2001
  • DB2 Application Programming, IBM Turkey – 2001

AI / ML / Bioinformatics Certifications

  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Andrew Ng (Coursera) – 2014
  • Machine Learning, Stanford University (Coursera) – 2018
  • Finding Hidden Messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I), UCSD (Coursera) – 2019
  • Genome Sequencing (Bioinformatics II), UCSD (Coursera) – 2019 (could not complete due to a technical issue even though I successfully finished the program)